
Money is our madness, our vast collective madness.


But it is not money we are so terrified of,
it is the collective money-madness of mankind.
For mankind says with one voice: How much is he worth?
Has he no money? The let him eat dirt, and go cold.--


We must have some money
to save us from eating dirt.

And this is all wrong.

Bread should be free,
shelter should be free,
fire should be free
to all and anybody, all and anybody, all over the world.

We must regain our sanity about money
before we start killing one another about it.
It's one thing or the other.

pp.486~487 D. H. Lawrence Complete Poems, Penguin Books

D. H. ロレンスは詩人でもあった。私見では、前ソクラテス期の哲学者のような哲学的詩、ないしスケッチ的詩を書く詩人である。私の詩の好みとはずれるが。
 とまれ、その直言は鋭敏で実に今日を予見している。D. H.ロレンス文学・哲学が一般に知られていないのは実に残念である。